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What is Medi-Cupping™?


Cupping has been around for a VERY long time ... Medi-cupping™ in bodywork is a new adapation of the same tool used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for hundreds of years. Using a negatively pressured cup, the tissue is lifted, helping the body to bring nourishing blood and circulation to the area being worked. Cupping is best suited for adhesions, scar tissue, hardened tissue, post-surgery healing, and stubborn knots and is a wonderful tool for myofascial work. 

Benefits of Medi-cupping™:

  • Softens tissue

  • Separates adhesions to assist in natural muscle movement and increased range of motion

  • Reduces heat and inflammation

  • Helps to bring blood and circulation to an area that was stagnant (this is when you get "cup marks" seen to the right, and only occurs when an area does not have sufficient circulation).

  • Helps to alleviate chronic achiness and pain



I have been integrating Medi-cupping™ with the  MX-600 Medi-cupping™ Machine into my massage practice since 2012 and have consistently seen beneficial results.

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